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Daha yeni duyuru (2023-02-20): The International Society for Plant Pathology deprem nedeniyle iletmiş olduğu mesaj
Daha eski duyuru (2023-02-14): Başsağlığı ve geçmiş olsun

Başsağlığı mesajı - The Mediterranean Phytopathological Union


Akdeniz Ülkeleri Fitopatoloji Derneği'nin (The Mediterranean Phytopathological Union) deprem nedeniyle Derneğimize göndermiş oldukları nazik mesajlarını sizlere iletiyoruz.
Tekrar geçmiş olsun.


Dear colleagues

We are devastated to learn of the deadly unprecedented earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria. We understand that this may be an incredibly difficult time for many of you. The Mediterranean Phytopathological Union expresses its undivided support to the Turkish and Syrian people, who have affected by this earthquake that impacts their lives.
We strongly believe that the size of the humanitarian crisis that will manifest itself as a consequence of this disaster requires a universal support. We express our deep condolences to the families that lost their beloved relatives and friends and we wish all the best as they navigate this crisis.
We stand by all fellow Plant Pathologists from Turkey and Syria and if you think that MPU can help you in some way, please inform us.


Dimitris Tsitsigiannis
President of MPU